Works » Impromptu nel Vuoto

Chirp, Plimpton Shattuck Black Box Theatre, New England Conservatory, Boston MA
breath, saxophone’s body, tiny spaces and live-electronics


for Fixed-media (breath, saxophone’s body, tiny spaces and live-electronics),

Three movements (attacca).

  • Il respiro dei vasi (7’11”)
  • Ludi Tinnitus (7’12”)
  • I giardini di Larsen (10’12”)

Giuseppe Desiato, saxophone; Davide Ianni, live-electronics.

“Davide Ianni’s ‘Impromptu nel vuoto’ (1978) is a fixed-media composition that explores the interplay between minimal sonic elements and diverse resonating spaces. Utilizing breath and keyclicks as primary materials, the piece is structured into three continuous movements—’Il respiro dei vasi,’ ‘Ludi Tinnitus,’ and ‘I giardini di Larsen.’

Throughout the work, live electronics are employed to enhance the sonic landscape, guiding listeners through a progression of increasingly intricate and articulated spaces. These spaces serve as active agents, filtering and shaping the sonic materials, while also adding depth through reverberation and facilitating polyphonic interactions.

Impromptu nel vuoto invites audiences to delve into the nuanced relationship between sonic elements and the spaces they inhabit.”.